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14 November 2011

Update on Unintended Consequences

In light of the record number of comments your reporter got on his relentless snow tire exposé (1, plus an email!) I felt compelled to follow up the previous post.

Both comments concerned the the possible rent-seeking or lobbying aspects of this story, but the problem is that I honestly don't think *anyone* lobbied for this. In the past, you still had to have snow tires as soon as it got cold, but there was never a dated that was declared "cold." So snow-tire manufacturers already had a captive market. The tire lobby can't possibly be THAT strong in CR, particularly vis-a-vis Škoda. As for the mechanics, I imagine they actually find the new law a pain in the ass, since their work probably is horrible that last week of October and zippo the first week after. Furthermore, mechanics in CR are usually small-business owners (Živnostníci), and small businesses are not generally well-represented by sector in Prague -- owners of small and family-run businesses in CR do have considerable clout, but generally more in terms of tax policy.

It just seems to me like there are a lot more Baptists than bootleggers for this legislation.


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