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07 May 2010

The Results Are In.....

....and it's a hung Parliament, complete with "voting irregularities" as we call 'em, high turnout, and calls for changes in the system!

Keep your eyes on Cam'ron and Clegg.... Apparently, Clegg has stated that he feels that the party with the most votes should have the right to form a government; however, the precedent is that the Prime Minister in the case of a hung Parliament also can try to form a government first, and one can't imagine Gordon Brown just packing up and going home. Going by the numbers, however, there would have to be sort of a "coalition of the losers" -- any government formed this way would undoubtedly be very shaky, and probably quite unpopular as well.

As always, Conservativehome has cool stuff on the matter, and the Economist has a nice writeup as well.


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