A journal of political, social, and other important, possibly even somewhat related affairs, including but not limited to: Central European Society, The European Union, HC Kometa Brno, American Politics, Film, and Beer.

30 June 2013

Cord Blood

In cooperation with Duke University, the first Slovak, a five-year-old girl, is set to undergo an experimental treatment using cord blood stem cells to treat her cerebral palsy. It's a double-blind test, so it's hard to say if her condition will improve, or even if she's being treated. Still, it's possible that little Nelly Vadovičová may be not only a footnote in the annals of medical progress, but live a happy and long life with this type of therapy.

As the article notes, the treatment is taking place in the US, and while there are a few centers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia storing and experimenting with cord blood, the countries are suffering from tight university research budgets and high regulatory hurdles. Nevertheless, the promising future of cord blood as a source of stem cells should continue to be supported as a morally (as well as experimentally) superior source of stem cells in contrast to those that destroy embryos.

So wish little Nelly luck, and wish the Blue Devils luck too.


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