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30 June 2010

George Will, Hungry for Answers

This column from GFW (Hat-tip to Café Hayek) is one of the more interesting and easily digestible things in the papers today. (Are we still allowed to use that expression? In the papers? I haven't seen a real, physical, complete-with-crossword-and-classifieds copy of the Washington Post in a year!) Mr. Will looks up from the box scores just long enough to discover that there's a confirmation hearing on for the Supreme Court, and, being the inquisitive yet polite man that he is, realizes that he'd like to know just a little about the nominee. So he asks a few simple questions, which should be asked of most nominees, actually. Fortunately, it looks like a few of the questions are going to get asked in one form or another. For example, here's Sen. Coburn asking about what we're allowed to eat, borrowing from Will's first question. Hopefully other Senators will make their way through the list.


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