A journal of political, social, and other important, possibly even somewhat related affairs, including but not limited to: Central European Society, The European Union, HC Kometa Brno, American Politics, Film, and Beer.

24 January 2007

A great line....

From Mark Steyn:
"What's left of the Soviet Union has hit the apocalyptic jackpot: the Middle East has Islamists, Africa has Aids and North Korea has nukes, but only Russia has the lot – a disease-riddled Slav population and a fast growing Muslim population jostling atop a colossal nuclear arsenal. The Litvinenko murder is only the first of many stories in which Islam, nuclear materials and Russian decline will intersect in novel ways."
Read it all here:
Happy Wednesday from Brno, Czech Republic!

16 January 2007

The Coolest Thing You'll Read Today


15 January 2007

The UK and the EU

This little screed is something to chew on.  It's a piece by Christopher Booker on the UK thirty years after signing on to the European Community.
I thought what was particularly interesting was the comparisons with Switzerland and Norway, and how their economies and values compare with the UK's after 30 years.