24 July 2013
17 July 2013
13 July 2013
Food Stamps and the Farm Bill
Well, the GOP has passed their version of a farm bill, (nice easy-to-understand writeup is here) and there's no mention of food stamps, which, as our handy-dandy article notes, is a subject traditionally logrolled into annual farm bills to get urban Democrats to be more supportive of rural welfare -- trading rural welfare for urban welfare, as the case may be. (The overall impact of omnibus bills full of pork and indiscriminate spending on public finances and the health of constitutional government is a subject for a different day.)
And, my-oh-my, how the Democrats howled. Evil heartless Republicans were "taking food out of the mouths of your own poor constituents," as the virtuous and generous Nancy Pelosi phrased it. Of course, the food stamps will keep on coming; the only issue is that now they are going to be in a separate bill. 01 July 2013
Working at the European Parliament
This wonderful video (the fun English part starts at 5:00) shows two Members of the European Parliament, one from the Italian Il Populo della Libertà, and the other from the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, clocking in 6 pm at the European Parliament, collecting €300 for "expenses," and clocking out at 6:05.
All in a day's work! What's particularly exciting is that both MEPs start to get just a little feisty with the Dutch reporter, refusing to answer his questions, and they start slapping his mic -- and him -- as they try to get away.
This should be required viewing for MEPs, as well as Members of Congress in the US. When elected representatives, even at such a talk-shop as the European Parliament, act that contemptuous to reporters, no matter how obnoxious they are, it's small wonder that citizens question what exactly these folks are actually doing as "public servants," especially when caught red-handed with their hand in the till.