Tony Snow...
....apparently in as the next press secretary.
Should be interesting.
A journal of political, social, and other important, possibly even somewhat related affairs, including but not limited to: Central European Society, The European Union, HC Kometa Brno, American Politics, Film, and Beer.
....apparently in as the next press secretary.
I walked around the Central Cemetery here in Brno yesterday, and noticed something peculiar -- there are no communists buried in American cemeteries.
"soft and creeping totalitarianism that comes with unctuous offers of benefits and avowals of purity of intention, rather than the boot-in-the-face variety of Orwell’s description. It is the insinuation of the government into the nooks and crannies of everyday life, on the pretext that people are incapable of deciding anything for themselves. Everyone is a child for whom the government is in permanent loco parentis (except children, of course, who can consent to sex at age 16 and are to be given the vote at the same age, if Chancellor Brown has his way). "
I slept extremely well last night with one glaring exception -- I had a dream. Normally I can't remember my dreams, but this one penetrated far enough into the conscious part of my brain that I couldn't help but write about it.
This story from the guys at Eursoc illustrates nicely the common problems of US and EU (and Canadian, for that matter) governments and the creeping influence of government in democratic societies. Tocqueville warned the world of the perils of "democratic despotism" -- rather than dealing with one iron-fisted ruler, societies become strapped down Gulliver-style by hundreds of inconvenient little laws.
Perhaps it is inappropriate to start a central European blog with a comment about France, but this mess certainly qualifiies as a topic worth discussing.
Congratulations. You've found my blog. I'll be posting things here occasionally about central Europe, political philosophy, beer, etc.